Friday, March 9, 2012

150 Days of Psalms - Psalm 69

The psalmist is in deep trouble. Enemies greater in number than the hairs on his head surround him, he describes himself as sinking in the mire being covered by the waters, everyone is talking about the terrible condition he is in and they make fun of him.

But his cry for help isn't based on his innocence or goodness, but rather on God's mercy.
16 Answer me, O LORD, for Your lovingkindness is good ; According to the greatness of Your compassion, turn to me, 17 And do not hide Your face from Your servant, For I am in distress ; answer me quickly.

Its a reminder that God doesn't reach out to us because we are good enough or because we have done all of the right things. He reaches out because of His lovingkindness.

That should make a difference in how you see yourself, how you live your life, how you relate to God and to others.

On those occasions where you find the world against you, circumstances have brought you difficulties and rather than getting sympathy others make fun of you... whatever the case, it's OK to ask God for help. Call on Him and ask for His mercy, lovingkindness and compassion.

Let your response be like the last few verses- praise and magnify the Lord with thanksgiving.
30 I will praise the name of God with song And magnify Him with thanksgiving. 31 And it will please the LORD better than an ox Or a young bull with horns and hoofs. 32 The humble have seen it and are glad ; You who seek God, let your heart revive. 33 For the LORD hears the needy And does not despise His who are prisoners. 34 Let heaven and earth praise Him, The seas and everything that moves in them.

1 comment:

  1. I like you comments about the help that David is seeking is based on God's character. I also saw, in verse 13, that David recognizes God's sovereignty in the answer to prayer "But as for me, my prayer is unto thee, O LORD, in an acceptable time: O God, in the multitude of thy mercy hear me, in the truth of thy salvation." I especially noticed the phrase "in an acceptable time" because that's one of the hardest things for me, to wait on God's perfect timing. To wonder why something did or didn't happen "now". It's my arrogance in thinking that I have a better idea of how my life should work than what God thinks.
