Friday, March 2, 2012

150 Days of Psalms - Psalm 62

My hope is in the Lord. Psalm 62:5

We're singing that great song this Sunday morning. It's one of my favorites.

"I stand in awe within the presence of the Lord
In Whom the wisdom of the ages lies,
For Whom the raging of the sea subsides.
The Living Sacrifice.
The only source of life.

My hope is in the Lord
from this time on and evermore.
Oh, my hope is in the Lord forevermore."

Verse 5 also says, "My soul, wait in silence for God only."
I'm not certain what he meant by that. Perhaps he meant he wouldn't complain while waiting. Or maybe he wasn't going to go around getting advice from all of his friends. I do think "for God only" means he wasn't going to seek out someone else, but rather would trust in God alone.

1 comment:

  1. We do have the tendency sometimes to get a myriad of opinions to decide what to do. I've tried to use the "wait on God" approach, as well as not continue to look for answers that I want to hear from people. Verse 8 mentions that we should pour out our hearts to God. It makes me wonder how often I turn to friends and family with problems instead of turning first (and at times maybe only) to God.

    I like how the Psalm ends "For You repay each according to his works." So often we want "what we deserve" and I am so glad that God does not give us what we really deserve!
