Thursday, July 7, 2011

Music for Sunday, July 10

As a general rule when a worship pastor or preaching pastor is going to be gone we don't advertise it much because - I'm sure it's not you - many people will use that as an excuse to skip out of worship that week.
But I am going to be gone this Sunday. My brother-in-law has stage 4 stomach cancer and it's important that Cheryl and I go see him. I'll be back Monday.

Dandy Dan will lead worship for us.

Victory in Jesus
Days of Elijah

Fellowship Song – Friend of God

Nothing but the Blood
You Are My King

Special Music – Don and Paula McElroy

Message – Dr. Larry D. Robertson

Invitation Song – Just As I Am

Offertory – Don McElroy

1 comment:

  1. Dear Bro. Lyndel,
    When you put out your desperate last-minute plea for "people" on Facebook, I was excited! "They need me!" I thought. I had often considered being in choir but had lacked the nerve, knowing my singing skills were at a minimum to say the least. I no longer read music, in spite of playing viola in my junior high orchestra in Miami, Fla. over half a century ago. However, my passion for music, especially Christian music, is strong. When I entered the choir room, I was very nervous, but the warm welcome from the members encouraged me. When Beverly Tanner crossed the entire room to bring me her music book, I nearly cried with happiness. The practice of the first few songs went well. I recognized them. When "Livin' in the Homeland" began, my heart was racing as fast as the song. I was as lost as last year's Easter egg! Trying to find where you were was futile. On "Count the Cost" I was lost again, although at a slower pace. I was the one who began to get desperate. It was Wednesday night and we were performing in four days! I HAD to get a CD and practice!!! I finally asked the right person, and Lisa Morrison agreed to bring her CD (which was at home) to the FLC on Thursday for me. I was terribly afraid she would forget it, but she didn't--and I finally had my hands on the help I needed. I practiced with the book and the CD for a total of six hours on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and even early Sunday morning. My husband was ready to leave me! :)

    Please accept my most sincere thanks for including a non-singer such as I am in Hilldale's Fourth of July Extravaganza! It was such an uplifting, joyful experience to be a part of this patriotic tribute to America! I was truly blessed!

    With gratitude,

    P.S. I am praying for your brother-in-law and the entire family! May God surround all of you with His strength, His courage, and His peace!
