Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Rand McNally (the map people) and USA Today are on a road trip to find the most patriotic city in America. Article from USA Today and Rand McNally

Clarksville is one of the finalists! Here's a note from their team that's scouting out the "most patriotic" cities.

" It's Tawny and Chris (aka Captain and Clark) from Rand McNally and USA Today's Road Rally.

We wanted to give you a heads up to our schedule for the next three weeks so that you'll have a rough estimate as to when we'll be arriving in your patriotic towns. We're currently in Williamsburg, Virginia and if the other contestants have anywhere near the enthusiasm that we've experienced so far, we'll burst in air with excitement. It's been a great start to our trip. "

Captain and Clark's Website

They'll be in Clarksville THIS weekend and even more exciting than that !!! They are going to be in our service Sunday morning and are going to video the entire service so they can show everyone how our church is helping make Clarksville the most patriotic city in the USA.

How cool is that?

So….. We need everyone who has ever sung, thought about singing, sings in the shower or with the car radio to sing with us Sunday morning. Call your friends who used to sing in choir and tell them we really need them. The orchestra sounds fantastic and we need to match that with the choir. Don't forget your teenagers and older children can join us too.

Help spread the word. We need you in choir Wednesday night and Sunday morning. The music is easy to learn. We'll use our books so you don't have to memorize anything.

Hope to see you all tomorrow night! (Bring more singers with you!)

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