Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Proverbs Challenge - 35 Years - Day 18

Today's verse was easy to pick.

22 He who finds a wife finds a good thing
And obtains favor from the LORD.

The reason this was easy to pick is because today is MLW (My Lovely Wife) and my 35 wedding anniversary. (I've got to stop telling people I'm 37 years old. Hahaha.) I definitely found favor from the LORD when He brought Cheryl and I together. We first started sitting by each other in church - Eastwood Baptist Church, Tulsa, OK - when she was in 8th grade and I was in 9th. We've had a wonderful life together and I look forward to many more years together.

Here's a picture of one of my favorite picture frames in the house. The picture in the middle was taken when Cheryl turned 15. My heart still goes flitter-flutter when I see this picture.

If I could wish anything for you it would be first, of course, that you know the Lord Jesus Christ in a personal relationship and second, that you could have a marriage as wonderful as ours.

1 comment:

  1. 17 In a lawsuit the first to speak seems right, until someone comes forward and cross-examines.

    I work with a court. When I first started sitting in on cases, I would hear the plaintiff's proof and think "why are we even in court, this person was WRONGED!" until I heard the defendant's proof... I try to apply this to what I hear from and about people - give the benefit of a doubt, not jumping to conclusions.

    (Congratulations Lyndel and Cheryl on 35 years!)
