Monday, June 6, 2011

Awwww! No winner?!? for 60,000

I guess my new little project "The Proverbs Challenge" has brought a lot of people by the web site. I knew we were getting close to 60,000 hits but I forgot to post a second reminder. It looks like we sailed right on by without hearing from the person who made the 60,000th hit. As of right now we're already at 60,108! Wow!

Thanks to everyone who stops by. The thing that I enjoy the most is seeing all of the places where people live and seeing what posts bring people here. "Fun with Amazing Grace" has been one of the big draws as has the phrase "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord."

People ask, "Why do you blog?"

Well, here are a few reasons why.
1. It's a place for me to let the choir and other musicians from Hilldale know what's going on: rehearsals, performances, etc.
2. I hope to inspire my readers to do more and be more for the Kingdom.
3. Sometimes I'm just entertaining myself sharing a funny story or whatever.
4. The links over there on the right take my visitors from around the world to websites that share the Gospel in many different languages. My prayer is that those who just happen by - searching for something - will end up clicking on one of them.
5. it seems like I had another one....

well... happy reading. Come back again soon.

1 comment:

  1. I saw it when it was about 59,700 something, and the next time I thought to look it was 600039....
