Wednesday, May 18, 2011

In Memory

Jan Fox loved singing in choir. She sang in choirs in California, Tennessee and maybe several other places. And she talked about how much she loved singing for the Lord and for her church and how much she loved her fellow choir members.

So her LifeGroup decided that they wanted to do something in her memory that would show how much she loved singing for the Lord in choir. They took up a love offering and with it I am going to purchase a really cool dry erase whiteboard for the choir room from Gamble Music. It is plain white on one side and has music lines on the other. How cool is that?

There have been so many times over the past few years that I have drawn music lines on our tiny little white board so I could explain some notes or a rhythm or whatever. This will make it so much easier to do that. (and the lines will be straight and won't erase when I erase a note, etc.)

So thank you to Jan's LifeGroup for a wonderful gift in her memory. I'll use it every week - not only in choir but with string classes and handbells and other music groups. (And the choir may actually learn something - whether they want to or not. haha)

1 comment:

  1. We were happy to do it in memory of Jan--one fantastic follower of Jesus! You are most welcome, Bro. Lyndel! Keep that beautiful music coming our way!
