Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pondering the Music Selections for Sunday, February 20

Here's our music for this Sunday.

It's interesting - the thought process that goes through my head at times - well, maybe it's not really interesting, maybe I meant strange... maybe I'm not sure what I mean...

Well, anyway, here's what I'm thinking. I try to "say" different things on different weeks. I don't want to always sing about the exact same thing because there are many things in the Christians life and many things about God that need to be said. You can't sing about God being our refuge in times of trouble every week because then you wouldn't ever sing about the cross. You wouldn't want to sing about Christ's birth every Sunday. If you did, when would you sing about the resurrection? Singing great songs of praise are always good, but when do you sing about being a sinner in need of a Savior?

I planned on singing this past Sunday about God's love - since it was the day before Valentine's Day. "God is love" is always something to sing about!

So I started out with
To God Be the Glory ("great things He hath done. So loved He the world...")
God of Wonders

Choir Anthem - You Never Let Go (a great testimony of God's love)

Love Lifted Me
Shout to the Lord

Since Geron Davis was here last week we didn't sing these songs, so we're going to sing them this week. Since then, however, I have found out that a man I have been praying for - for over a year now - is going to be here Sunday morning. He's an Army Ranger guy, mean as a snake and needs to know the Lord. I've been joining his brother and mother in praying for him. (You are invited to pray for him too!)

So now I'm questioning my song selections. Should I sing songs about salvation? But then I thought how there are people here EVERY week who need to get saved - who need to become followers of Jesus Christ. Do I need to sing about that every week? This takes me back to my opening thoughts - I can't sing the same songs every week. There are many facets to the Christians experience and we need to be able to express them all.

So how does it work? The answer is rather easy. The Holy Spirit is at work in all of our lives. He takes the different elements of a service and through His power speaks to everyone who has ears to hear. And since HE is the one who brings conviction of sin and the power of salvation into a person's life, I can fully trust in Him to speak to a mean, hardened army guy this Sunday.

Besides... what better testimony to a lost person than to see and hear and experience the love we have for our Savior? As we sing with all our hearts that testimony is sounded loud and clear that we have been changed, redeemed, saved from our former lives that were enemies of God and we now are His loved children.

Sing your testimony this week. "Love lifted me!"

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