Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Big Apple Adventure Premier at LifeWay


Oh how I wish you all could have heard and seen our kids as they premiered "The Big Apple Adventure" for over 800 people on Thursday night and again Friday night (to a different group of 800+) of last week. The audience was Children's pastors and VBS leaders and Children's workers from all over the USA. And they were a great audience!! They clapped and cheered and carried on - and all for good reason. Our kids were AWESOME!!!

Here are a few pictures for you.

We got there a little early Thursday night, so we had our picture made with Billy Graham.

The actors were wonderful and all knew their lines. (Well, Bro. Tim had his hidden - sorta - in a Bible and on a clip board)
Traci did a great job teaching the kids all of their really cool moves. And they were wonderful.
Here's "Tourist Tim"

Look in the middle of the back row and you'll see the world famous - or at least VBS famous - Jeff Slaughter. He's the one who writes the music each year and comes up with all the cool dance moves.
(Of course we don't call them dance moves because it freaks out some of my Baptist friends.)
I'll post more pictures tomorrow.

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