Saturday, December 25, 2010

Why Christmas is Dec. 25

I have had Christian people in the past who don't think we should celebrate Christmas.
(by the way, for some reason I have 3G service for my phone right now so it's easier to post something here)
So anyway, they don't think we should celebrate Christmas because it was a heathen/pagan holiday worshipping the sun.

Here's my thoughts on why Dec. 25 is the perfect time to celebrate the birth of Christ.

First, let me take you back to the time the Apostle Paul went to Mars Hill. He was given the opportunity to tell the people of Athens why he was a believer in Jesus Christ. As he was going to the place to speak he saw statues of all the Greek gods on pedestals. One didn't have a statue, but it had an altar "to the unknown god." And from there he explained that the God of creation had made Himself known. Then he told them about Jesus. All of this is found in Acts 17. You should read it to get the full story.

So what does that have to do with a pagan celebration turned Christian? I think this is so cool!

Way back in the dark ages the people had this sun celebration. They thought that the sun was dying because the days kept getting shorter and shorter. The shortest day of the year is sometimes on December 21, (like this year)but often it is on Dec. 22. So three days later when they realized the days were getting longer and the sun was not dead, they ceebrated! The sun is alive!

I don't have to tell you everything do I? Did you see it? Did you see why Dec. 25 is the perfect day for Christmas?

Just as Paul helped the Atheneans see the truth about worshipping "the unknown god," Christians a thousand years ago showed the Druids, or whoever it was - too hard to double check while blogging on my phone - that their big party three days after the sun had died was a picture of God's greatest gift and of the resurrection of the Son!

How awesome is that?

Merry Christmas!

Go celebrate Jesus' birth and resurrection today!

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