Friday, November 19, 2010

Rehearsals for "the Tree"

Hope of the World
Hilldale’s Living Christmas Tree
Rehearsal & Performance Schedule


Sun. Nov. 21 & 28 –
1:00 – Children’s “Special Events” Choir, wooden soldiers and angels
2:00 – handbells
4:30 – youth angels
5:00 – toy shop toys
5:30 – drum line
6:00 – shepherds & wise men
6:30 – actors with speaking parts


Wed. Dec. 1 - 
6:30-8:00 - Adult Choir rehearsal

Sat. Dec. 4 –
9:00 – choir in “the Tree” to tests mics and make sure it won’t fall over (just kidding about it falling over)
10:00 – strings rehearsal in the choir room

Sun. Dec. 5 –
1:00 – Children’s “Special Events” Choir, wooden soldiers and angels
2:00 – handbells
2:30 – youth angels
3:00 – toy shop toys
3:30 – drum line
4:00 – shepherds & wise men
4:30 – ice skaters
5:00 – actors with speaking parts
5:30 - Adult choir run through of all songs

Mon. Dec. 6 –
6:00 – make up rehearsal or extra rehearsal for actors

Tues. Dec. 7 –
6:00 – orchestra rehearsal with some soloists (choir can sing along)

Wed. Dec. 8 –
6:00 – rehearsal with all actors and all choirs

Thurs. Dec. 9 –
Everyone! All choirs, actors, orchestra, sound, lights… EVERYONE!

Fri. Dec. 10 –
6:00 – pre-tree call, mic check, etc.
6:30 – choir call
7:00 – performance

Sat. Dec. 11 –
6:00 – pre-tree call, mic check, etc.
6:30 – choir call
7:00 – performance

Sun. Dec. 12 –
2:00 – pre-tree call, mic check, etc.
2:30 – choir call
3:00 – performance

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