Monday, November 15, 2010

Not Ashamed - Memory Monday, Nov. 15

We live in a day where we see many who want to water down the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They say that we're all not as bad as some think we are, or that we're all ending up in the same place anyway, or that since god loves everyone then surely no one is ending up in that imaginary "bad" place.

But if you read the first three chapters of Romans you'll see right away that there is a cost to our sinfulness and that yes, we really as are bad as some say we are.

There's so much more to say about this, but I'm just happy to put a verse up here for us to work on memorizing. (If you all are still joining me in this.)

Here's Romans 1:16 in the NASB. It's a verse we all should know.

16 For I am not 30ashamed of the gospel, for 31it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the 32Jew first and also to 33the Greek.

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