Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Big Apple and Children's Choirs

Bro. Tim and I went to LifeWay today. Not the store in Clarksville, but the big whoop-dee-do headquarters in Nashville. Some of you older types probably remember it being called "The Sunday School Board."

Today was preview day of next year's VBS theme. There was fun music lead by the one and only Jeff Slaughter (who writes the music and creates the motions (dances) every year, some nice drama of the biblical characters the children will learn about and a preview of the videos that will be shown. The videos always have a great story line that ties in with the theme and ties all of the daily stories together.

Here's a picture of the backdrop of the Big Apple. I'm sure our ladies who make such fantastic sets for us will easily make this - or actually one even better! Hooray for Ramona and Misty!

I wanted to have my picture taken with Jeff Slaughter - the music guy. But when the preview deal was over he and another guy were on stage and were going to continue the live webcast with a Q&A time.

I wanted to stop them and tell them that I needed a picture and that thousands would see it on my blog and on FaceBook, (hahaha) but this sorta mean looking lady with a headset was pushing us on out the door since we weren't staying for the Q&A. (OK. She wasn't really mean looking, but it wouldn't sound the same if I said this nice lady gave us one of those "I know you want your picture made with Jeff but you are in the way" kind of looks.) So we headed on out the door.
Here's a short clip of Jeff leading one of the songs.

Speaking of the songs from The Big Apple Adventure. (Here's where the Children's Choir part comes in.) We've been asked to premier the VBS musical next January AT LifeWay! How awesome is that?

With our new Fall schedule of doing new things on Sundays we have adjusted our music schedule and now Children's Choirs (for the Fall) will be on Tuesday afternoons.
Let me say that again in a bigger font.

This Fall
Children's Choir (grades 1-5)
 will be on
Tuesdays from 4:30-5:30
beginning August 24.

I will be leading the choir and Bro. Tim and some others will be helping me. If you want to help, give me a call or send an e-mail. We'll meet in the choir room. The side door will be open. I'll have a big sign there so you'll see where it is. We'll have a blast!

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