Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wednesdays (and why I love choir)

I love Wednesdays!
Our local weather man calls them "Huuuuuuuuump day" and sounds sort of like Tony the Tiger when he says it. (It's a little embarassing.) (Leland, didn't mean to trash talk you here in front of the whole world.)
But I love Wednesdays - not because the week is half over, but because we get to sing in choir.

Singing lifts the spirit.
Singing lowers blood pressure.
Singing in a choir is fun because:
    you're with your firends
     it sounds better than just you in your car
     if (when) you hit a bad note there are others to help cover it up
     the director is wonderful (hahaha - was that too much?)
Singing in a church choir is great because:
     singing for the Lord is sooo awesome
     it's a wonderful way to worship not on ly on a Sunday morning in a worship service, but on Wednesday night too.
Singing in a church choir is great because the texts of the songs
     help tell your heart story
     help you express your love for God
     tell others of God's greatness and glory and wonder and more

OK. All that's just off the top of my head. Just think how much I could write here if I thought about it for a while.

Maybe YOU should leave a comment with why YOU think choir on Wednesday is such a great deal.

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