Tuesday, June 1, 2010

It's June! - Memory Monday

I love June!

When I was a youngster - early 20s (haha) I had a great group of friends that Cheryl and I spent a lot of time with. We were a singing ensemble at church called "New Creations." We rehearsed every week, sang at our church and other churches, went on mission trips together and we got together just for fun. Each June we had a "Hooray it's June!" party.

Many of us were school teachers, so part of that was a "school's out!" party. But June is also our wedding anniversary (my lovely wife, Cheryl, and I) and it's my birthday - June 21 the first day of summer.
Oh, and Father's Day too! One big party after another. I miss those friends. We moved away. Some of them have moved away. I've reconnected with a few via Facebook, but it's not the same as a cookout in the backyard. I look forward to that day in glory when we are all singing together again around the throne.

And in June the roses really get going - and the daylillies - and hydrangeas. I suppose they sort of start in May, but in June they are great!

So since it's June and since it's probably my favorite month I thought I would encourage you all to join me in memorizing (actually, I'll just be reviewing) my favorite verse.

I've heard preachers talk about a "verse for the year" or a "Life verse" that they try to live their life by. If I ever had a life verse, this would be it. This is how I try to live my life and is totally my outlook on life.

Ephesians 3:20-21 NASB
Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.

The KJV says "exceeding abundantly." I like that, so I usually mix up the KJV and the NASB.

Here's some of what I see in this verse and why it is such a greaet verse.

* God can do exceedingly abundantly MORE than I can ever ask Him or even think about. What a challenge - and what a joy - to live my life expecting God to do great things.
* the power that works within us is the Holy Spirit. How cool is that? God, Himself, is doing great things in us. It's His power, not my own.
* God does these great things in us and through us and more than we ask or can even think to bring Himself glory. I get a tiny bit irritated at some of the TV type preachers who say "God wants to give you a new car. A big shiny new car. And He wants you to be healthy and wealthy and kickin' Satan around." I realllly don't think that's it. God does exceedingly abundantly more than we ask or even think to bring glory to Himself and to Christ Jesus. He wants to further His Kingdom, not fatten my wallet.
* to all generations - It's my responsibility to make sure my children and grandchildren - and as far as being a pastor, to your children and grandchildren - to ALL generations - it's our responsibility to bring Him glory. to point out to the younger generations the great exceedingly abundant things God is doing. To guide them and encourage them to trust Him, to praise Him, to give Him glory in the church.

Well, I probably wouldn't get a great grade on this if I was turning it into a seminary class, but I'm typing fast and thinking fast and hoping that I'm making a little bit of sense. Let me encourage you to memorize this verse and see what God tells you through it. And let me encourage you to live this verse. It's a great way to look at life! I'm praying you'll have a happy, abundant, Christ glorifying June!

Ephesians 3:20.Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us,

21.to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN, Bro. Lyndel! If I were a teacher (and I am), I would give you a grade of H (for Hallelujah!) on this!
