Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ancient Words - Music for Sunday - June 6

2 Timothy 3:16-17 NASB

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.
I went to one of my favorite Bible Study web sites and typed in "scripture." There were HUNDREDS of verses that have the word "scripture" in them. And a whole bunch of those were New Testament verses quoting Old Testament verses and showing how Jesus Christ fulfilled them.
These "Ancient Words" written hundreds and even thousands of years before Christ Jesus found their fulfillment in Him. As we look at the Old and New Testaments together we see how they work together to show us God's story in, around and through our Lord Jesus Christ. They are ancient words that ring true today, that still give life, that still are the "sword" for believers and give strength and guidance through trials and temptations.
We'll sing about these Ancient Words that are Wonderful Words of Life this Sunday morning. Let me encourage you to find a partner - your spouse, a friend, or check in with me on Mondays for "Memory Monday" - and put more of these words of life into your heart. You can't always have a Bible in your hand (although with the fancy new phones many have you can carry around a Bible with you. But having these words in your heart is where you will find the power in them.
June 6, 2010 AM

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Everlasting God

No Choir Anthem

Fellowship song – Friend of God

Wonderful Words of Life
Thy Word
Ancient Words

Special Music – Mark Black

There were several YouTube videos of the song "Ancient Words" but I liked this one because it has Portuguese sub titles. Haha. I'm still listening to my Portuguese CDs so I can keep my Portuguese up. I don't know why. Maybe God is going to bring some Brazilians to Hilldale. Hmmmm. Or maybe He's wanting me to visit Brazil again...

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