Thursday, May 20, 2010

Glorious Is Thy Name - music for May 23

Praise be to his glorious name forever;
may the whole earth be filled with his glory.
Amen and Amen. Psalms 72:19 NIV

This Sunday we are singing some songs that we haven't sung in a while. I'm not sure why. Especially since "Glorious Is Thy Name" is one of my favorite hymns ever.

It was written by B.B. McKinney. It has a fantastic text and the tune is one you can really sing out on.

"Come, O come, Immortal Savior, come and take Thy royal throne.
Come and reign, and reign forever, be the kingdom all Thine own.

Glorious is Thy name, O Lord!"

May 23, 2010
Glorious is Thy Name with Glorious Mighty God

Fellowship Song – When We All Get to Heaven

It Is Well
I Will Rise

Special Music – Traci Koon

Message – Dr. Larry D. Robertson

Invitation Song – Change My Heart, O God

Offertory – Handbells - Glorious Is Thy Name

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful, wonderful songs for my birthday! "I Will Rise" is one of my very favorites! Thank you for the gift of songs to worship our Lord and Savior!
