Monday, April 5, 2010

Memory the Monday After Easter

This week is an easy week. It will give you a chance to catch up on some of the harder verses if you need.

Luke 24:5b-6a NASB

"Why do you seek the living One among the dead? He is not here, but He has risen."

What a wonderful weekend of celebrating we have had at Hilldale.
The Passion Play was a wonderful re-telling of the great story of Jesus' death and resurrection as seen through the eyes of the two men on the road to Emmaus.
And then Sunday morning's worship services were full of music of celebration as we rejoiced with Christians all over the world as we remembered that resurrection morn.

In the early church as Christians gathered to worship (and still in many faith traditions) the worship leader would begin the service saying "Christ is risen." and then the congregation would respond, "He is risen indeed!"

We may practice that a few weeks before Easter next year. I really like that. Have a wonderful week!

Christ is risen!

(did you say it?)

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