Saturday, March 6, 2010

Is that Violin or a Viola? Music for Sunday, March 7

Hmmm, I don't know if I'll remember everything. I didn't get around to posting this while I was on my church computer.

Here's what I remember.

To God Be the Glory
God of Wonders

Choir - Lord, You're Holy - great song! You'll remember it if you heard it last year.

The Solid Rock
My Hope

Special Music - Diane Crroccia

and then I'm play Word of God Speak for the offertory on my viola.  Jesse and Allison will play their violins to accompany and the band will play along.

People often ask me the difference between a violin and a viola. A viola is sort of like an alto violin. It's a little bit bigger, wider and longer.

The viola has a more mellow sound. The viola's first three strings are the same as the three lowest string of the violin. It then has a lower string 5 notes lower. An intersting thing about a viola is that it reads a different clef - the alto clef. The point in the middle indicates where middle C is. (If it points to the fourth line it is a tenor clef. Pretty cool, huh?) You'll notice that the alto clef fits right in the middle between the treble and bass clefs. The viola uses this clef because that's where most of it's notes lie.

So there you have it. You found out about Sunday's music and learned a little about violas too. Don't you just feel a lot smarter now?

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