Thursday, January 7, 2010

Music for January 10, 2010

So are you saying "twenty-ten" or "two-thousand-ten?"
I'll put a poll up over there
◄ for you to vote.

Here's the order of worship for Sunday. If you are in my choir and missed rehearsal last night you can still sing with us because we are singing one of our favorites "Let the Worshippers Arise."

January 10, 2010 AM

To God Be the Glory
Everlasting God

Choir anthem – Let the Worshippers Arise

Welcome song – You Are Holy (Prince of Peace)

When the Roll Is Called up Yonder
When We All Get to Heaven
I Will Rise

Special Music – Brooke Hill

Message – Dr. Larry D. Robertson

Invitation Song – I Give You Me

Offertory – Mary Beth Mathews

Baptisms: Both Services

Closing – Bro. Tony Lewis

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