Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Haiti and BGR

Photo from BGR blog. Pray for the people of Haiti.

There are many great organizations that will be helping the people of Haiti: the Red Cross and Compassion International are two that quickly come to mind. They need our support.

Here's another organization that will spend your money wisely - (and all donations go directly to helping people - not to overhead or salaries) - Baptist Global Response.

You can check out their blog here

and can donate on line here

Southern Baptist are always some of the first responders in after tragedy strikes. We were some of the first in China after the earthquake, in Indonesia after the tsunami, in Louisiana after the hurricanes. Southern Baptist support the BGR through cooperative program dollars so donations made to disasters goes directly there with no overhead costs taken out. And as Southern Baptists we not only try to meet physical needs, but we address spiritual needs as well.

Just thought you'd want to know.

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