Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Choir Joins the Symphony

Not joins as in we are all learning to play the violin, but joins as in we're going to sing some songs together!

I just got word today that a couple of the songs that we know as a choir will be on the program Sunday night when the Nashville Praise Symphony plays here! So we'll be singing "Let the Worshippers Arise" and "Our God Saves" as they play.

How cool is that? I love both of these songs!! And with it being a Sunday night we can have the whole choir singing together instead of two halves like on Sunday mornings! Woohoo! I'm all excited about it.

Here's a link to an article on the Leaf Chronicles web news page that tells about the concert. Add a comment and drum up some excitement. http://www.theleafchronicle.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/200910061200/NEIGHBORHOODS01/910060354

Bring someone with you to a great evening - Sunday, 5:00, Hilldale Baptist Church - be there!

Here's another great choir and orchestra combination.

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