Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ice Cream Contest Continues

I don't know what I've been doing - well, actually, tons of stuff - but I've been behind on my blog posting!

Our "I Sing, You Sing, We All Sing for Choir (and Ice Cream)" contest continues.

If you look at just last Sunday, June 28, the contest looks really close.

Sopranos - 180
Altos - 160
Men - 160

Way to go Sopranos.

But, the altos have consistently been coming to Wednesdays and Sundays and are ahead by quite a bit. They have also brought in the most new members. So... here's the score as of today.

Sopranos - 900
Altos - 1160
Men - 780

Don't forget that THIS Sunday, July 5, we will just have one service at the main campus at 9:00 so we ALL get to sing TOGETHER! Yeah!

I'll be looking for you all tonight in choir. Cheryl has some really nice prizes and I'll have some NEW ice cream prizes!


  1. Although I read your comments on FB, I have missed your blogs! Glad you are back!!!!!

    Please know you are in my prayers!

    In Christ's Love,

  2. The altos had 11 present today.
