Thursday, April 30, 2009

Music for Sunday, May 3

I have an anniversary. It's the first Sunday in May. Years ago my family and I were going through some very difficult times. Perhaps another time I can tell that story, but for now, let me just say that after many months of praying and totally trusting God to provide for our needs - which He did! - our prayers were answered on the first Sunday in May.

So for almost every year since 1989 (sometimes preachers would want something in particular for that day so this wouldn't happen) I have led whichever congregation I have been with in singing "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" on the first Sunday of May. (side note - I listened to 20 different versions of this song on youtube and 99% of them were reallllly slow. We won't sing it this slow Sunday!)

My children know that I do this and they know why. It's important for your children to see your faith through the difficult times of life and it is important for them to remember how God provided. If you don't tell them who will?

You may not have a song to sing, but you should have some reminder of God's faithfulness: Perhaps a picture, a book, a song, a tree planted... something that in years to come you and they will see it and say, "oh yeah! remember when?..." The children of Israel had a pile of stones taken from the center of the Jordan River.

There's no charge for the extra sermonette. Here's this Sunday's order of worship.

May 3, 2009 AM

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

Prayer – Bro. Lyndel Littleton

Choir Anthem – My Father’s House
Solo – Emily Moman

Welcome – Bro. Lyndel Littleton
Welcome song – Days of Elijah

Children’s Message – Bro. Tim Munoz

Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Made Me Glad

Special Music – Bro. Lyndel Littleton – I Can Only Imagine

Message – Bro. Paul Scott

Invitation – Come Just As You Are

Offertory – Gena Tate

Baptisms -

Announcements and Benediction – Bro. Tony Lewis


  1. 1989 - that would be the year we both moved to Martin - and you "stole" the house we wanted to buy! Hah! 20 years later we're still here, and we love the old house in the country we bought instead.

  2. He is an On Time God, Yes He is!
