Saturday, January 24, 2009

NOT a Good Thing

I know of a lady who lives in a hotel room in a run-down part of town with her three children and a man who sometimes beats her. He threatens to take her children from her if she even thinks about leaving him.

The lady became pregnant with another man's child and knew that he would not be safe living with this abusive man since the man was not the father.

The father of the child has seven children of his own but only has four of them living with him because he cannot afford to feed and clothe all of them.

Those who support a "woman's right to choose" would say this African-American woman is a prime candidate for an abortion.

I often thank God that this woman had the moral character to carry her baby boy to term and the grace and love to give him away: to place him with an agency who would find him a loving home.

I don't know this woman, but I know her son. His name is Benjamin and he is now my grandson!

Last Tuesday, on inauguration day, I posted on my Papa Lyndel blog how it was a good thing that we had a president of African-American descent. I put that post on that blog because it seemed a bit political and it fit with my grandchildren thoughts - mainly because of Benjamin.

I must say now, however, that being an African-American is not good enough. He must also be a man of character who protects life. Our president was wrong this week and if he continues making decisions like the one this week then he will not be a person of color that I can recommend for anyone to look up to - especially my grandchildren.

OK, Lyndel, you're starting to get political. What about separation of church and state?

Well, that is a whole other post and it is something the liberal courts of the mid 1900s came up with, not what our founding fathers said at all. Long story short, I don't check my citizenship at the church door and it is not only legal, but my responsibility as a pastor to speak out on moral issues.

I don't know if the stimulus package is a good idea or not. I'll let the economists debate that and I won't blog about it here.

I don't know if Guantanamo should be closed. (Good luck figuring that one out.)

But I DO know that President Obama was wrong to have the federal government begin funding abortions around the world again. He should know that black mothers (in the United States)abort their children at a rate almost three times that of white women. Our President should be protecting all children - black and white. (and that includes unborn children)

Where is the outrage from black leaders? Where are the black pastors speaking out against the slaughter of unborn black children? (I guess that's another post.)

When was it decided that if you are a democrat you have to support abortion? Why can't there be democrats who are pro-life? and if they are out there why don't they speak up? (again, another post)

Money spent on abortions would be much better spent reducing the cost of adoptions or in pre-natal care.

The President was wrong to use our tax dollars to pay for abortions.

If you need to know more about adoption, there are many wonderful adoption agencies. A friend of mine, who is the Connections Pastor at FBC, Columbia, is on the board of directors of Bethany Christian Services Check them out.

Here's an article titled "A Dangerous Time to Be a Black Baby."


  1. I'm glad to hear about this group

  2. Right on Lyndel - thanks so much for speaking out and what a beautiful grandbaby. It is hard for me to think of you as a grandparent. I must be reallllly old.

  3. Hahaha! Not only am I a grandparent, I'm the Papa of 6 ages 6, 5, 3, 2 1/2, 2, and 4 months.
