Monday, January 5, 2009

Monday, Monday

da daaa, da, da da daaaaaa.

The mommas and the papas sang that one way back when. I'm not sure what the other lyrics are in that song. The da daaaas were so loud they kind of drowned out the rest of the song.

I think we sometimes get like that in life. We have a message to get out - one of hope and love and redemption and forgiveness... but we can easily get caught up in the da daaaaas and the message gets covered up.
Let Paul's words in Philippians 3 be an encouragement to you to forget all the da daaaas of 2008 and strive for making 2009 a great year of advancing the Kingdom.
13 Brothers, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead, 14 I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God's heavenly call in Christ Jesus.

Side note - if you are in the recording studio, mixing your latest greatest new hit, make sure your background vocals don't cover up your main lyrics. (Free advice that won't cost you anything.)

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