Tuesday, January 13, 2009

American Idol

The 8th season of American Idol begins tonight. I'll probably watch it, but then again, maybe not. It bothers me that there are times when they are obviously making fun of the singing or even the person of some of the contestants. We all know that some of the people who are chosen to sing for the judges are chosen for their total lack of singing ability. It would be much kinder if someone had told them up front that they should NEVER sing in public.

Some people use their lack of singing ability as an excuse to not only skip out of American Idol auditions, but also as an excuse to not sing at church.

Often on Sunday nights I'll talk to people in the congregation just before the evening service. (It's more difficult to have time for this on a Sunday morning.) I'll look at a group of people and I'll say, "I want to hear some good singing from this section tonight." And more often than not at least one person says, "You don't want to hear me sing!"

But actually, I do! Singing in worship isn't so much about the notes you sing, it's about your heart and expressing your faith and love and devotion and worship to the Lord.

A quick glance through the Psalms will show you many, many verses that instruct us to praise the Lord.

for example:

Ps 47:6 - Show Context
Sing praise to God, sing praise;
sing praise to our King, sing praise!

Oh, one more thing - speaking of auditions...

I'm often asked if there are auditions to be in our adult choir. The answer is NO! If you want to sing a solo - yes, but to sing Sunday by Sunday all you have to do is come to rehearsals. We meet on Wednesday nights at 6:30 at the Family Life Center. You don't have to be able to read music either. Many in our choir don't read. What is important is dedication and a heart for the Lord. We can help you with your singing.

Come join us THIS Wednesday night!

1 comment:

  1. Amen Brother! The Bible just says to make a joyful noise!
    I can do that well!
    I figure God made my voice so He must like it so that is all that matters.
