Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Part to Help Save the Big Three

We interrupt our regular blogging to bring you this brief message.

I can't send the "Big Three" 100 Billion dollars, but I thought I'd do my part to give them a boost with this short commercial for Chrysler.

I drive a PT Cruiser. I love it. It has a smooth ride, gets good gas mileage, and has that classic look for a guy who likes to wear pin-striped suits and carries a violin case.

I bought mine back when I was having a mid-life crisis, so I got a five speed. Wheeeeeee!

It's lots of fun, but it's sometimes difficult to shift when you are drinking a Pepsi, talking on the phone and turning a corner at the same time. But it's doable!

And here's a nice feature that you may not know about a PT Cruiser. You can fit in four bags of clothes for Goodwill, at least five boxes of sample Easter music, a bag for a clown full of clown things, six Vacation Bible School backpacks your wife bought to give to the grandbabies (she got a deal), jumper cables, a gift bag of Halloween candy, three music stands AND a tuba - in a tuba case! There's probably more stuff in there, but I've lost track of what all is buried in there.
So run out today and buy a PT Cruiser. You'll be glad you did.


  1. Exactly why I love our PT Cruiser!

  2. If I see you coming down the street talking on your cell, drinking a Pepsi, and trying to turn a corner while shifting gears, I'm diving for cover! And praying loudly, too!

    Wait a minute... that's what you should do if you see me doing all that; I can't drive a five-speed to save my life!

    Sorry about that; carry on...
