Friday, December 12, 2008

The Lady in Red

I've been the Worship Pastor/Minister of Music at many churches over the years. And I've seen Christmas programs on TV and on DVDs from many more churches. In all of these productions, Mary was dressed in blue. I just figured blue was her color. (Is Mary "Winter?" Hahaha! Remember that back in the early 90s when the ladies had those parties and they found out which season of the year their skin was and then they bought clothes and makeup that went with their season?)

Sorry, chased a rabbit.

Here are some famous paintings through the centuries with Mary in red. In some that I didn't choose she was in blue and one she was wearing black (ugh). But since they didn't support my argument of Mary in red I left them out.

I found these cool old paintings here.

So I found it quite interesting as I looked for a Nativity set to use in Hilldale's Living Christmas Tree - Journey to the Manger and at the Nativities at my house, that in almost every Nativity I found, Mary was wearing RED!

Why would Mary wear red?

So I did a little research. I found two different explanations of Mary wearing red (at least two that seemed to make sense). She also has a blue outer robe.

One is that red is the color of divinity and blue the color of humanity and so Mary with her inner red robe and outer blue represents her in her humanity carrying Christ (divinity).

The second was that red was the color of virgins and blue the color of mothers representing - obviously - the virgin mother.

Whatever the explanation, our Mary is wearing red this year because in the story line the sculptor's figures come to life in his dream. And since the Nativity had Mary in red and blue our Mary is in red and blue.

By the way, Lacey is doing a GREAT job in her roll as Mary. You can see her tonight at 7:00, tomorrow at 7 or Sunday afternoon at 3:00. Come early for a good seat and enjoy some beautiful music. Thirty minutes before each performance we have "pre-tree" music for your enjoyment.


  1. I never paid any attention to Mary being in red before. Interesting! We have always had her in blue at church. Pretty cool!

  2. Ok, now explain the painting of the blonde Mary!
