Monday, November 24, 2008

A Week of Thanksgiving - Day 2

Since this is Thanksgiving week, I thought it would be nice to have a week of Thanksgiving posts.

I suppose I should have started with day 1, but I was a little busy on day 1. It was a great day by the way. The music in the services was great and gave everyone a chance to sing their thankfulness.

Then last night we had our first huge Thanksgiving meal together as a church family in our new Family Life Center. It was sooooo cool seeing almost 500 people around round tables with room to spare! I want to put up some pictures, but I forgot my camera! If you took pictures last night send me some.

Last night showed many things that we as a church can/should be thankful for. So fill in the blanks for yourself for day 1.

So many people say, "I just want to know what God's will is for me." They are usually wanting to know about a career move or college choice or something like that. I know that God cares very much about those kinds of things, but I also know that He also cares a great deal - probably more so - about WHO we are. God's will for us in that regard is very easy to find. He comes right out and says it as plain as day. Here's one example.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

So it is God's will for you and for me that we 1. always rejoice, 2. pray without ceasing and 3. give thanks in everything.

I found this picture here (I thought I should credit the work.)

"In everything give thanks." That's God's will? Yep. Says so right there. Easy to say, not so easy to do.

It all comes down to your personal theology. If you believe that nothing happens without God allowing it to happen, then you can thank Him, knowing that He works all things together for good to those who love Him... Ro 8:28

Hmmmm, well, I'm just thinking as I type. This could be worked out into a much better little devotion/sermonette/Bible study. But I have Christmas sets calling "Lyndel.... come paint...."

If we can learn to be thankful in the not-so-great times of life, I see two things happening. 1. We become more like Christ as we learn to rely on God and rest in Him and - well there's a whole bunch of things. I can't do everything for you - think about it. and 2. the world sees a great testimony of God's grace and how knowing Jesus in a personal way really makes a difference in our lives. In other words - you're a witness! Be a good one.

Sorry. You'll have to do the rest. I'm off to paint.

1 comment:

  1. I am grateful for a wonderful, Godly husband that works so hard to provide for us. I am thankful for our three precious children God has gifted us with. I am grateful for my sweet grand baby and step grand daughter. I am grateful for my extended family, friends and church family. I am grateful for the pastors at Hilldale as well. Our church family and pastors are always there for us when we have a need and have always shown us such love and support. They have blessed my life immensely!
