Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Supreme Choice

It's election day! You need to vote if you didn't vote early.

I voted early. I wore my purple shirt.

How do you decide who to vote for if for some reason you haven't made up your mind? What should be your main criteria?
Here's a good guide that compares issues that are important to me.

Many people vote based on the economy and their own financial situation. I certainly understand that. But the economy is going to go up and down because of many reasons. and the actions of congress have as much to do with the economy as those of the President.

I decided my vote on something with much longer consequences than the ups and downs of the stock market. There are nine people who make very important decisions that last pretty close to forever. And these nine people are also around pretty much forever. And three or four of these people may retire in the next four years.

Here they are.

So the question to me is who do I want choosing two, three or even four supreme court justices? I want someone who will not appoint liberal judges like the ones in California or Massachusetts who overturn the will of the people and say that gay marriage is OK. I want justices that won't legislate from the bench. I want justices who will follow Micah 6:8

Mic 6:8 - Show Context
He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?
If you aren't sure who would appoint constructionist justices rather than legislating justices give me a call and I'll help you figure it out.

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