Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sunday's Music - Nov. 2

Wow! November. There are five Sundays this November. The last one is the first Sunday of Advent. Yes, you read that correctly. Four weeks from Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent.

It was kind of fun freaking out everyone last year by introducing and Advent Wreath. Bro. Tim and I have had them at churches in the past and both thought it would be a nice addition to our worship here. I'll post a funny advent story later. I've distracted myself from the purpose of this post - Sunday's music.

I picked the first two songs because of Tuesday being election day.
O God, Our Help in Ages Past (this is the one with the nice new chorus added to the old hymn)
You Are God Alone (see a video of this song here )

for the welcome we are singing Rock of Ages (not grandma's version, the one by Rita Baloche)

For the Beauty of the Earth (again, not the old hymn, but a gorgeous song I first heard at Willow Creek) We have a beautiful Autumn slide show to go with this one.
Who Can Satisfy?

1 comment:

  1. Great choice of songs with Tuesday looming ahead. "You are God Alone"
    blessed my heart and calmed my spirit as I listened to it just now again. God will still be there, just the same, no matter who wins this election. Unstoppable, Unchangeable! Through the good times and bad. No matter what is ahead.
