Saturday, October 4, 2008

Roller Coaster Ride

4Him recorded a song a few years back called "Roller Coaster Ride of Life". That's what we've been on today.

Cheryl and I got up early and went to downtown Nashville to pick up a van so Christy, Hannah and Benjamin could ride with us to Oklahoma. We were very excited that grandbaby #6 was soon to arrive.

At 8:30 my baby brother called and said that Dad had a stroke and the EMT guys had just left to take him to the hospital.

At 9:30 my younger brother called to say that Dad didn't make it. His heart stopped and they couldn't get it going again.

I called my son to tell him and he said that Haley was having very strong contractions.

We had problems with the van and had to go back to the rental place where we traded out our loaded to the ceiling van for another van.

12:30 we were finally leaving Nashville for a 12 hour drive.

At 1:30 my son called. Beau Ryder Littleton had arrived. "How much did he weigh?" I asked. "I don't know", was his response. I guess he doesn't understand how important those kinds of things are to grandmothers. We later found out he was 8lbs 10 oz.

"How long is he?" I figured he would know by now since he now knew the weight.

"I don't know. He goes form the tip of my fingers to just past my elbow." Close enough!

It's now 2:00 AM. The 12 hour drive went well. We're in a hotel for the night because all the beds in families' homes are full and they didn't know we would make it all the way in tonight.

Tomorrow we'll get up early, go to the hospital to see Beau then by 8:00 go to Mom's house then hopefully see Gibson play soccer at 9:00.

Wheeeeeee! Up and down and up and down again.
I'll have grandbaby pictures up later too at

Dad's funeral service will be Monday at 2:00 at Quail Springs Baptist Church in Oklahoma City.
The funeral home making the arrangements is Smith and Kernke on North May

You can read about my dad here where I wrote about him on Father's Day.

I'll post more later this week. Have a wonderful time of worship Sunday. We'll pray for you. Thank you for your prayers for us.


  1. Oh my, Lyndel, it is only faith that gets us through times like these. Great pain and great joy. May every blessing come to you and yours at this time.

  2. Hi Lyndel,
    I'm a fellow VAST member, and a fellow believer. We too lost our Mom this past week - she died Tuesday morning and we had our services on Friday. We too had a 12 hour drive each way.

    But - no grandchildren.... yet :-)

    Grief is a funny thing isn't it? It comes and goes as it pleases. But we all hang tight to the Hope we have, and we know we will see her again. If there are assignments in heaven - you're Dad is leading a choir or orchestra - my Mom (my MIL) is in charge of hospitality! :-)

    As we pray through our grief, I will remember yours to the Lord too.

    He will be our safety belt on these roller coasters.

