Thursday, October 16, 2008

A "Note" to Joe the Plumber

Hey Joe!

Congratulations on your new found fame! I share your concern about the economy and someone wanting to "share the wealth."

But here's something that I think will be good for you. Singing in a choir! Now I know that singing in a choir won't help make your payroll taxes if you get to start your own business, but there are some great benefits to singing in a church choir.

1. for that hour or so of rehearsal and that time on Sunday in worship, you can leave your economic troubles behind. As you focus on our Lord Jesus Christ the worries of the day are lifted.

2. working together with a group of people (the choir) gives a great sense of accomplishment as you strive to be the best you can be and make beautiful music together.

3. as you sing in a choir you help the Sunday morning congregation focus their worship on God and His kingdom. "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you."

4. a choir is a perfect example of how the church as a whole works together. Each member sets aside his own desires to follow the leader so that together we are better and accomplish more than we can as individuals.

5. we have a ton of fun in our rehearsals at Hilldale.

And Joe, don't feel like a plumber can't be involved in music/worship ministry.

At Hilldale we happen to have these everyday people who work together:

Scott the plumber who is a fantastic sound man,
Joel the coach who sings tenor,
Traci and Emily and Beth and Laughrie the teachers who sing alto,
Jimmy and Chad the bankers who sing bass and tenor,
Ramona the interior decorator who sings soprano,
Star the librarian, Dan the investigator, Brenda the Internet queen, Debbie the pharmacist, and many more who are retirees and college students and teachers and construction workers and more...

And of course my favorite, Cheryl the recruiter! (who doesn't like me to put pictures of her on my blog)
I hope I'll see all of you Hilldale choir members THIS Sunday morning. For our readers around the world, find a good church with a good choir program and join in the song!


  1. well said! many parts and still one body :)

  2. Yeah, even Brenda who is just a regular ole stay at home Mom (AKA Internet Queen) can sing in the choir! I don't know about the internet queen. Just check my emails and read a couple of blogs!
