Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Kids Choral Connection

At last count there were over 350 kids coming to Hilldale this Friday and Saturday for the TBC's annual Kids Choral Connection.

We'll have a wonderful time as we learn some songs, have times of fun and times of worship and at the end we'll record a CD! How cool is that?

Kids Choral Connection is for kids in what most churches call the Young Musicians Choir. Some churches it is grades 4-6, some, like ours, is for kids 3-5 grade. We've looked at the music and are ready to join all of the other kids Friday for a pizza supper, rehearsal (getting ready for the concert/recording session) and a fun time to end the evening. If for some reason your child didn't get signed up for this wonderful weekend, you can probably still register. There just won't be a t-shirt available. That deadline passed a few weeks ago. But it will still be a huge weekend (and there could possibly be a t-shirt if there are extras).
Rumor has it that Jingles will make an appearance again this year - possibly Saturday morning. We'll have to see. Here's a picture of Jingles from last year.
Check in next week for pictures from this year's KCC.

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