Monday, September 29, 2008

Budget Time

I spent today working on next year's budget. Hmmmm. I've always said, "You don't want an artist doing your money. You'll end up with Enron."

Worrying about where money goes or how it goes isn't one of my favorite things to do, but one thing about working on a budget is that you can look back over the past year and remember some really great things - great times of worship, a great Passion Play, a great Living Christmas Tree...

and more importantly, it reminds you of relationships - old and new choir members getting to know each other at retreats and during rehearsals, instrumentalists working together to make beautiful music, sound men and camera men and the rest of the tech crew putting in long hours to make everything happen behind the scenes so worship and concerts and special events all come off without a hitch...

We, at Hilldale, are blessed with so many people who give of themselves week after week so what we do will honor our Lord Jesus Christ and will help others worship and

well, I guess I'm just rattling on. I think you get what I'm trying to say.

OK, now it's back to the budget. I think I'll just ask for 10% more on everything - hahaha! Don't tell Bro. Mike.

I don't want a piece of the pie. I want the whole pie!

Just kidding.

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