Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I left this off of last night's post - the one about being outside of your comfor zone..

Background: I don't like coffee - not even a tiny bit. You can take a large glass of milk, add a bunch of sugar and then put in two drops of coffee and you've ruined the whole deal with the two drops of coffee.

From what I understand from the coffee drinkers, Brazilian coffee is very strong.

Well, yesterday morning we shared the gospel with a couple. They both prayed to recieve Christ. Then, they offered us some cafezinio - a little coffee. Since we had just led them to the Lord how could I say "nao, obrigado"? So out they came with little glasses of coffee.

I took a sip. AAAAAAooooeeewweeooo! I don't think I made a face, but I think I hurt Cheryl's leg pushing against her. My soft pallet tried to crawl out of my mouth and up into my nose, but my nose was screaming too!

Hmmmmmmm. I can't just ake one sip, that would be rude. Everyone was chatting... I was in a panic. "I can do this", I thought. So another big sip...

AAAAAHH! My tongue did a flip and my soft pallet shed three layers of skin. Cheryl must have noticed because not too long after that she took it from me and placed in on the table next to us.

I don't know if there is a moral or spiritual lesson to this story. I just know my mouth was mad until after lunch.

But if I'm offered more today - I'll take it. I'll just take smaller sips...

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