Thursday, July 17, 2008

A New Adventure

This isn't something new to many, but it is new to me. And being "the glass is not only half full but someone is on his way to fill it back up" kind of person that I am, I've decided to take you on this adventure with me.

Once you start reading this you'll probably say, "Aaaaaahhh! Why would I want to know about that?" I don't really want to know about it either, but the recent death of Tony Snow helped me decide to blog about this. Then hopefully, with a little humor and a little "well, that ain't so bad" kind of writing, you may follow me and have a little adventure yourself.

If you didn't know, Tony Snow died of colon cancer - as did Elizabeth Montgomery and Charles Schultz. Tony was only 53. I don't know about these three and whether or not they had colonoscopies, but I do know that early detection is important and raises survival rates significantly. (If you don't know Tony Snow you haven't been paying attention. He was on Fox News and then he was President Bush's Press Secretary.)

I'm not afraid of dying. I know Jesus as my personal Savior and have no doubt that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord Read This Chapter But I'm also not in any rush to leave family and friends.

According to wikipedia, Colon cancer is the third most common form of cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the Western world. Colorectal cancer causes 655,000 deaths worldwide per year.

Doctors recommend that you have a colonoscopy after you turn 50. So... I'm only a little late.

I was filling out the forms for the Dr. Here's what I put.

Question - What is the chief symptom or problem for which you have come to be evaluated?
Answer - I'm over 50.

Question - When did the problem begin?
Answer - June 21, 2007

I didn't answer this one: How severe are your symptoms?

I would have answered: Need reading glasses and wear knee support when I play racquetball.

But I figure they wouldn't enjoy my answers as much as I would enjoy writing them...

Soooooo... let the adventure begin!

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