Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Summer Singers

This is a post of an e-mail I sent to the choir earlier today.
Woohoooooo! Tomorrow night is the big new start of all of our Wednesday evening activities at the new FLC. I hope you all are planning on being in rehearsal!

I’ve missed you and I’ve missed getting to rehearse together. The Southern Baptist Convention was nice and everything, but it’s just not the same as getting together with you all and singing. Call up someone you haven’t seen in awhile or someone that you think might want to sing with us and get them to join us tomorrow night. We’ll meet at 6:30 in the worship area of the FLC.

I know all of us are in and out of town during the summer, so it really helps if you will make an extra effort to be in rehearsal and in the loft on Sundays any time you are in town.

We’ll look at some patriotic music tomorrow night too. We’re just having one service at 9:00 in the sanctuary (main campus) and one at the FLC on July 6th. This will be a great time for the entire choir to sing together on a Sunday morning.

See you tomorrow!

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