Saturday, June 7, 2008

A Fun Concert

Cheryl had to work this morning. You may already know that she is one of the recruiters at the corporate offices of LifeWay. She had to hire checkers and courtesy clerks for the Southern Baptist Convention and today she had to make sure they showed up and that they could clock in and know how to run a cash register or put a book in a LifeWay bag and to say, "thank you, come again" or something like that. Actually, other people do the training. She just makes sure the managers have the people they need.

While she was working I went to a concert at the Artsgarden in the Circle Centre Mall, downtown, Indianapolis. It's a cool mall and a cool "art" place. There are several hotels and a mall and other things all connected with "sky walks" over the streets. The Artsgarden is above the street. This is a picture of it from below.

The concert was by the "Athenaeum Pops Orchestra" under the direction of Lee Jones. It was very good. It was a Leroy Anderson Centennial Concert.

You would probably recognize some of the music they played - like "Syncopated Clock" and "Typewriter".

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