Saturday, May 3, 2008

An Interesting Drive

I haven't fallen off the blogging wagon, I've been out of town. Actually, I'm still out of town. I don't even know where I am! I'm at a hotel - not my usual kind of place to stop - at exit 42. I've been on a short concert tour with the TN Baptist Men's Chorale. Last night we sang at FBC, Millington. I didn't get away from Millington until about 9:30, so I had planned on driving to Jackson to spend the night.

I hate driving at night and I hate driving in the rain, so last night was not a good night to drive on I-40. In fact, it was raining so hard that I decided to stay the night in Millington. Well, ends up, I saw one hotel there near the church and I thought, "hmmmmm, I'm not sure I would really stay at that hotel if I had other options", so I headed down the road to find a Holiday Inn Express or something similar.

"Oh, there's my road to cut across to the Collierville, Arlington, Millington exit on I-40." The rain had let up, I hadn't passed any other hotel - much less a nicer one - so I got on the connecting highway. OH MY! I've never drivin through harder rain than I did on that road! For miles and miles it stormed and flooded and I'm so thankful the hwy department had those little reflector deals on the center line!

The rain did let up, but did I mention that I hate driving at night and I hate driving in the rain?

Long story short. There are ZERO hotels between Millington and whatever little town is at exit 42. So I'm poking along at 60 or maybe 65 mph on I-40 with the big trucks and the rain and it's dark and after 10:00 and there! woohooo. A sign for hotels at exit 42. (Collierville exit is at mile 24 or so.) I pulled into the first hotel. Eeewwww, suddenly the hotel that I wouldn't stay at in Millington looks really nice! So I cross over the Interstate to the other hotel. It has a name I recognize and free wireless internet. It's a tough choice - more driving in the rain at night with the big trucks or a hotel that Cheryl would offer to sleep in the car rather than stay there...

Well, the room is clean and the bed wasn't lumpy and there are more than ten channels to choose from and it wasn't hard killing the spider in the tub...

My original thought was to post about the chorale and why I sing with them. I have pictures, but the wrong wire to connect to my computer. Check back later.

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