Friday, May 16, 2008

A Drive to Louisville

My son-in-law graduated with a Master of Divinity degree today from The Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville. It's late and I'm headed to bed, but perhaps tomorrow I will post something about the bright future of Southern Baptists, the work of our seminaries and how we are a part of that through our Cooperative Program giving.

But for now I wanted to mention the funny signs you see on I-65 between here and Louisville. I have seen them for years, but they still make me laugh.

Hmmmm, do some people leave their arm at the tattoo parlors and come back for them later???

Who ever knew there was a market for used cows? And how were they used? Do you have to check their knees or tails or something to see if they were worn out by whoever was using them before??? I guess this is just something us city boys can't understand...

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