Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Chorale Concert Pics

Someone took a picture of the chorale while we were singing at FBC, Huntington. Please notice the dashing young violin player. (Well, he looks young from a distance.) You can click on the picture for a larger view. Hmmm, perhaps dashing is a bit much. But it just wouldn't sound good to say "look at the skinny old violin player".

So here's a funny story. At least everyone else thought it was funny. I stand right in the middle of the first row. The 2nd tenors are in the middle. We were singing The Old Rugged Cross and half-way through I realized How Deep the Father's Love was next and that is one of the songs I play the violin on. And our director, Paul Clark, Worship Specialist with the Tennessee Baptist Convention, had asked the audience to not clap on three songs about the cross but rather to contemplate on the meaning of the cross (or something like that).

"So," I thought to myself - while still singing (rather nicely too, I might add) - "I have to get from the middle of the loft to waaaay over there to play and there won't be any applause and everyone will be staring at me while I walk over..."

As soon as the song was over I quickly stepped out in front of the new guy who was standing next to me. Unfortunately, he hadn't read my mind and didn't know I had to move quickly to waaaaay over there to play and he didn't let me by. In fact, he kind of bumped me with his folder. At least he said he did, I don't really remember, because when I was in front of him and couldn't get by I was on the wrong foot when he bumped me and the riser we were on was rather narrow and so my left foot stepped right on the edge - sorta sideways - and I started going down! Yes. I didn't want everyone to watch me walk waaaay over there and have to wait for me and instead they ALL saw me fall. Fortunately there was a trombone sticking up right next to me (on a trombone stand) and I grabbed it and the guitar player in front of me grabbed me to try and catch my fall and the guy who pushed me grabbed me and I eventually got my feet under me and I walked, slowly and in a dignified manner, waaaaaaaaay over there. Also fortunately there was someone reading a scripture to introduce the song, so I had more time than I thought.

To make a long story longer...

This picture was taken during God of Wonders. Notice how I am NOT in the middle of the choir. I had to speak next and wasn't about to walk back and forth.

After How Deep the Father's Love (which has a lovely violin part, by the way) we sang God of Wonders and then, since I am President of this illustrious group. I had to introduce all of the guys who had people from their church present at the concert. I walked up to the pulpit. Looked out at the crowd and said in a somewhat quiet voice, "Normally you don't mention it when something unplanned happens, - pause - then a little louder "but I know you all saw me falling up there in the choir loft!"

I'm so sorry you can't hear the laughter still ringing in my ears...

I'm glad they all enjoyed it. It really was rather funny!

Oh! By the way! You can hear and purchase songs from the chorale on iTunes now. Go to www.iTunes.com and search for Tennessee Men's Chorale.

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