Monday, April 14, 2008

Our Last Poll

One of my favorite passages about Jesus is Colossians 1:15-20

The wonder of creation - especially seen in the Spring reminds me of Colossians 1:16
For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.

Tiny yellow daffodils on the other side of the creek.

The vote for our favorite spring tree had a runaway winner - the queen of spring trees - the dogwood. (25 votes)

I actually voted for the cherry tree. (9 votes) They were the most beautiful they have been in several years this year. I had to vote for them. We planted a double cherry in our front yard when Gibson was born.

Gibson's tree

Then I needed to vote for the red buds. (3 votes) They are at peak bloom now. I LOVE red bud trees. I-24 is surrounded by them. Sooooo beautiful. And since the red bud is the state tree of my native Oklahoma I needed to vote for it. Since Elam was born in Oklahoma we planted a red bud tree for him on the other side of the creek.

But of course the most beautiful spring tree is the dogwood and our voters agreed. We planted a dogwood tree when Haven was born. Just as the red buds are fading away the dogwoods will come into full bloom.

Lest you think we forgot Hannah and Benjamin, Hannah has a beautiful weeping willow (because it is her momma's favorite tree) and Benjamin has a black walnut. (haha, not for the reason you are thinking of) The walnut across the creek is a big strong beautiful tree and we know Benjamin will grow to be a big strong beautiful person. (OK, maybe a little for the reason you are thinking of -grin-) It's the first tree you come to on our property.

Miniature daffodils

I guess after we move to Clarksville we'll have to plant some new trees. We won't be planting any Bradford pears (0 votes).

1 comment:

  1. You have some beautiful flowers at your place. I bet it will be hard to leave them all.
    Love the analogy of the Dogwood winter. I knd of feel like my heart is having breif little winters after losing my Daddy. I bounce back thanks to God's grace but have these little cold spells!
