Wednesday, April 9, 2008

God Loves Choirs!

Singing in a choir is partly for the singers. It is a lot of fun. There is great teamwork involved and a real sense of accomplishment when you work hard on something for some time and then it sounds and looks wonderful (like the Passion Play or The Tree or Sunday morning worship).

But choirs are also for God. He must like them because He had choirs in worship from the time His people established worship in the temple. The singers lived near each other and the tithes and offerings brought to the temple paid their salaries. How cool is that? They had all the instruments playing too. There is a great story of the celebration of the rebuilding of the wall in Jerusalem in Nehemiah 12. They had singers come from all over and they divided them into two choirs and had choir directors and everything. Choirs are always a part of grand celebrations.

The western wall in Jerusalem. Is this the one Nehemiah built? I don't remember.

Now some will argue that there aren't choirs or instruments in the New Testament. Perhaps I'll address that in another post. Let's just say they haven't thought everything through biblically.

God has always had choirs. Job talks about the morning stars singing together at creation. Job 38 Some think Job is referring to the stars, some say it references angels, but either way, there was a choir singing God's praises.

Jesus said that if we didn't praise Him that the very rocks would cry out. There was a song we sang at youth camp one year that said something about not letting some rock take my place...
This is the "singing rock" in Santa Cruz, Portugal. It has a hole in it that "sings" as the waves and tide come and go. Pretty cool.

All of this to say - our church needs you in choir. Not just in the congregation. Singing in choir is more than just singing along in worship. It is getting together and working up great songs together for God's glory. I hope I'll see you in choir tonight. I don't have any rocks to take your place.

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