Tuesday, March 11, 2008

To Do Lists

Do you ever make yourself a "to do" list? I only make them when I have to. And then I usually put a few things on the list that I can check off right away. (and I usually include at least a couple of things that I have already done so I can start off with a few items checked)

I have a pretty long list of "to do's" to do before tomorrow night. But none of them are huge things. I'll be able to get them all checked.

If I may be so bold, here are some things to add to your "to do" list: (the example in this picutre is a little too structured for me - it's much more fun to write down everything you can think of in random order and then ... oh, never mind. You probably wouldn't understand. Give Cheryl a hug and tell her she's a brave woman for following me around for so many years.)

Spend some time with your family. (I know. How can you when I have you up here every night? Well, make a point of giving extra hugs and kisses and help with homework and when you are with them don't watch TV, talk to them. Then make up for it next week by going some place special.)

Read the last few chapters of one of the Gospels. Read it in a different translation so you can see Christ's passion in a new light.

Pray for our presentations of Bow the Knee Hilldale's Passion Play 2008.

Rest your voice.

Wash your hands and stay away from sick people.

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