Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Leaf-Chronicle

In case you missed the article in Saturday's Leaf-Chronicle about Bow the Knee Hilldale's Passion Play 2008 you can see it here

It's a very nice article. They accidentally left off Friday's performance in the article itself, but it is sort of there on a performance time summary.

We had a lot of good rehearsals today: The angels rehearsed this afternoon, the choir learned verses this evening, and the soldiers and thieves worked on their part right after all of the evening activities.
The soldiers suggested that I look for skinnier thieves next year. Ha! Apparently it's a lot of work getting heavy thieves off of the crosses!
I even got away from church before 9:00!

We're now in performance week. The excitement is building to a fever pitch as singers and actors review and polish their notes and lines. (At least that's what their director thinks/pretends they are doing. lol)

We have a rehearsal Monday night for all who can attend and then two dress rehearsals: Wednesday at 6:00 is an unofficial dress rehearsal (we do want to do it in costume) and then Thursday is the official dress rehearsal - also at 6:00. We'll have a photographer at both dress rehearsals for some good pictures.

See you then!

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