Friday, March 28, 2008

A Great Testimony

I hate to admit this, but I've never seen the show "Hannah Montana." I know, I'm terribly behind the times. Although I do know about the show and it's star, Miley Cyrus. I guess now that my granddaughter is getting older I'm going to have to actually watch the show. You know, so I'll continue to be a young, hip, with-it, cool kind of Papa. (Hmmm, I guess if you are really young and hip you don't use the phrase "young and hip.")

All of that to lead into this neat article from Fox News about Ms. Cyrus.

LOS ANGELES — At just 15, Miley Cyrus is a multi-millionaire mogul not just for her music but for her film, fashion and entrepreneurial endeavors; however, the pop princess has managed to stay sane (and sensible) amid her very adult-like life and credits Christianity for her good behavior.
"I think it’s my faith that keeps me grounded, especially because I’m a Christ follower for sure," Cyrus told us. "Live like Christ and he’ll live in you, and that’s what I want to do."

Wow! This should be a great encouragement to each of us to 1. live the kind of life that others want to know why we are different from the world and 2. be ready to share our faith - about being a follower of Christ.

If someone followed you around all day would they see you as a follower of Christ?
How does this relate to worship? (Not that that is the only thing I ever blog about.) According to Romans 12 everything in our life should be worship.

Romans 12:1 NAS
"Therefore I urge you, brethren , by the mercies of God , to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice , acceptable to God , which is your spiritual service of worship ."

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