Saturday, February 16, 2008

Your Favorite Hymn - New Poll

It's very difficult to choose just one, but of the list (over there, on the left) of the hymns on our new poll, which one is your favorite?

It's very possible that I didn't list your favorite old hymn. Feel free to leave the name of your favorite hymn in the comment section.

In my search for a picture of an old hymnal I came across this article. You might get a few laughs from it. Overhead to Powerpoint Proposal Creates Firestorm in Local Church


  1. I had several other hymns listed on my poll. I guess it only shows the first 5. I also accidentally erased the first vote when I tried to fix the poll to show more hymns. My apologies to whoever voted first.

  2. My favorite hymn is Great Is Thy Faithfulness.....and a close second is My Savior First of All

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. One of my favorite hymns is "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" closely followed by "Abide With Me".


  4. You forgot Bulah Land and I'll Fly away. Not that they are my favorites, but...
