Monday, January 28, 2008

What Not to Wear

It's time to talk about costuming for the Passion Play - Bow the Knee.
As you've heard, but in case it hasn't sunk in, everyone in the choir will need to be in costume for the Passion Play. I have this recurring nightmare... The overture is just coming to an end, the curtain slowly rises and there...
on stage...
the entire choir...
is wearing tacky bathrobes!

I noticed this morning on the news, as they were doing a report on the war in Afghanistan, that most of the pictures from that part of the world seem to be filmed in dusty beige. So to be true to the area and the time, most of the costumes need to be in assorted camel, goat and sheep colors.

So what not to wear? bathrobes, bright colors, spandex, double knit, polyester.......

I need to know - we'll send around a paper Wednesday - if you already have a costume, if you can make one for yourself (There are many easy patterns in all of the pattern books at all the fabric places.) or if you need us to help you with a costume.

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